Local October 16, 2013 | 8:34 am

Lawmakers scoff at demand to cut slush funds

Santo Domingo.- Several lawmakers on Tuesday rejected former presidential candidate Guillermo Moreno’s demand to eliminate the "little barrel” and the "little coffer” slush funds from the 2014 budget, and defended the honesty which they affirm the money is used to help the poor.

The senators Félix Nova of the ruling PLD party, and Adriano Sánchez Roa of the pro-government PRSC, as well as Deputy, Ruddy González of the opposition PRD, rejected Moreno’s demand

Senators Nova, from Monseñor Noel, and Sanchez, from Elías Piña, said most senators use the fund for scholarships and educational programs. They said the lawmakers render a monthly report on the funds. “Apparently doctor Moreno’s request results from an ignorance as to how the little coffer and little barrel are handled."

They said the money they receive for social assistance isn’t part of their salary, because it goes entirely for poor people.

For Gonzalez, the deputy from Azua, the 50,000 "measly pesos" won’t change the budget composition, but resolve the "little problems of downtrodden villagers: Acasket for a death of a relative when they have no way to get it, a 500 peso scholarship to pay for computer courses and other educational programs to deserving poor students."

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