Local October 22, 2013 | 7:48 am

Prominent attorney slams the government’s ‘lack of authority’

Santo Domingo.- Prominent attorney Juan Miguel Castillo Pantaleon on Monday said the country gives the impression that there’s no government authority to assume the defense of sovereignty against international rebuke, in the heels of the of the Constitutional Court ruling on Dominican nationality.

"One sometimes feels that there’re no government authorities… in the case of the ambassadors, who are more eager to ingratiate themselves with the Government than to truly represent the country’s interests," the attorney said.

Castillo Pantaleon speaking by phone on the radio program Tu Derecho (your right), reiterated his view that the authorities aren’t doing enough to defend the country’s sovereignty. "There’s outrage and many people feel that in fact, the Government has been too passive with the defense of sovereignty."

He slammed the foreign service for in his view revealing an “amazing passivity” on the issue. "For example, in the case of Amnesty International, it’s the height of insolence, asking a sovereign nation to repeal a ruling which has constitutional rank."

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