Local October 28, 2013 | 8:17 am

Textile industries demand probe into ‘dumping’ by Asian companies

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Textile Industries Association (Aditex) president David Cortes on Sunday demanded that authorities investigate companies of Asian capital he affirms have been dumping for several months, to push a large number of stores out of business to then obtain their control ant most of the sales in commercial areas.

He asked the Internal Taxes and Customs agencies, the Labor Ministry and other regulators to check verify whether those foreign merchants fully comply with all laws, since their unusual growth cannot be explained.

“Is the takeover of local trade in this magnitude by a few foreigners convenient for us? Would it bring real benefits, and in terms of jobs,?” the business leader asked

Cortes said that it’s also important to determine how much they pay Customs in terms on import taxes and how much taxes they pay on income, and if the Asian merchants hire illegal immigrants.

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