Local October 31, 2013 | 11:37 am

Dominican Court calls controversial ruling ‘fair and responsible’

Santo Domingo.-The Constitutional Court on Thursday affirmed that its recent controversial ruling 168-13 which states that the offspring for in the country to undocumented foreigners aren’t Dominican is "fair and responsible.”

It’s the first time the high Court states its position after having handing down the ruling, and notes that it only helps to regulate the status of illegal aliens in the country.

It said the international community has no legal basis to challenge Dominican Republic’s sovereignty.

In a statement handed out in press conference, the Constitutional Court said there are more than 800,000 immigrants in the country, but only 0.16% of those have legal status.

It added that the term "transit" applies to a person who has either no residence in the country since 1929, or who has yet to legalize their residency.

It clarified nonetheless, that the ruling isn’t retroactive to 1929.

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