Traffic Police and insurance company join forces to reduce accidents

Santo Domingo.- Road accidents caused1,500 deaths and 3,000 injuries in the past year and a large majority end in amputation,according to Transport Police (AMET) director Juan Gerónimo Brown Pérez, whodescribed this as a serious and alarming issue.
“We’retalking about a serious and delicate subject. This is why there is a need tocreate citizen awareness on this issue”, said Brown Pérez during the signing ofan agreement with insurance company Mapfre for the organization of a road safety public awareness campaign.
The AMET chief saidthat collisions between vehicles and loss of control, almost always due to carelessdriving, “are the main cause of death and this cannot continue”.
He statedthat accidents cause a lot of pain to Dominican families, which is whyawareness needs to be created in society, especially among young people.
“Theyoungest top the list of accidents, so we are concentrating on creatingawareness among them to prevent more tragedies,” he added.
He saidthat AMET had trained 1,200 members of public transport drivers’ associations,including the most prominent, so that they will drive more carefully and on thedefensive.