Local November 22, 2013 | 11:14 am

NGO: Haitians are being massively expelled; Immigration: prove it

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s Immigration Agency on Friday "categorically" denied carrying out massive deportations of undocumented Haitians, as the Jano Sikse Border Solidarity Network (RFJS) claims.

RFJS’ claims that Dominican authorities conduct incessant repatriation of minors and other persons through the various border crossings are "crude lies,” it said in a statement.

Immigration said the NGO’s accusation is part of a campaign to discredit that agency, “looking to intimidate and limit this entity’s work with absolute respect for human rights and the law."

The Agency said the RFJS “shouldn’t just lodge complaints and take advantage of current situation, “to demonstrate the alleged human rights violations and alleged mass expulsions."

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