Local November 28, 2013 | 8:13 am

Acknowledging violations, Police chief limits random arrests

Santo Domingo.- In a tacit acknowledgment of the violation of the right to assembly, Police chief Manuel Castro on Wednesday announced that “the arrests and of citizens without justified cause are completely forbidden."

"No one can be subjected to imprisonment or their liberty restrained without a competent judge’s motivated and written warrant, except in case of flagrante delicto” he said, quoting the Constitution.

In a statement, Castro said if someone reveals a suspicious profile, police agents must perform a strict, quick on site check of the citizen in the same place of the detention.

"The police agent who detains a citizen on the need of a wider background check must not exceed one hour, since it’s long enough to determine a criminal history or has wants or warrants,” he said, adding that the decision stems from the constant complaints from various sectors.

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