Local December 3, 2013 | 5:01 pm

Dominican Republic police, church swap guns for gospels in barrios

Santo Domingo.- To lower the rampant violence and crime reported in inner city neighborhoods and in rural areas, the National Police in coordination with the Church of God Worship Center is carrying out the "National bibles for weapons exchange for a violence-free society.”

Pastor Esther Cristiana Estrella said 2,000 bibles were exchanged for a similar number of weapons in less than one month, mostly knives, daggers and machetes, in addition to guns. "Our mission is go to the neighborhoods most affected by violence, corruption, femicide and present an evangelizing campaign carrying bibles and exchanging them for weapons."

Estrella said the weapons were taken to Police headquarters as proof of the campaign’s effectiveness.

She also noted that some men who decided to participate in the Exchange had confessed that with the weapons they handed over, they were going to kill their spouses, but repentance led them to accept the offer.

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