Navy detains 2,579 boatpeople so far this year

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Navy chief of staff EdwinDominici on Tuesday revealed the apprehension of 2,579 boatpeople trying to reachother territories illegally thus far this year.
He said among the detainees figure 1,410 Haitians, 107Cubans, seven Brazilians and 1,055 Dominicans.
He said the U.S. Coast Guard intercepted a boat headed to Florida on Monday with26 Dominicans on board, six of them deported from the U.S., where they were tryingto return, and two from India.
The Navy Chief, speaking during a ceremony at the DonDiego Tourist Port, added that 59 boats and nets have been seized for illegalfishing, with 307 Haitians and 18 Dominicans arrested.