Local December 20, 2013 | 12:21 pm

General (r) charged with Dominican guerrilla leader’s smurder in 1963

Santo Domingo.- Two sons of freedom fighter Manolo TavarezJusto and several patriotic groups on Friday filed charges against a retiredgeneral for the murder of the guerrilla leader in 1963, which seeks RD$50million in damages.

Minou Tavárez Mirabal and Manuel Enrique Tavárez Mirabalfiled the lawsuit against retired general Ramiro Matos Gonzalez, who was once the Secretaryof the Armed Forces, and all officers and enlisted who were under his command andtook part in the execution.

Justice minister Francisco Domínguez received thecomplaint from the representatives of the Manolo Tavárez; Heroes de 30 de Mayo;Hermanas Mirabal; Heroes of Constanza, Maimon y Estero Hondo; Heroes deLuperón; Testimonio and Amaury German Aristy patriotic foundations.

The groups seek the arrest of the retired general and codefendantsand to pay 50 million pesos, which they affirm would be used on programs to teachhuman rights to the military

The Tavarez’ complaint also notes that Tavárez Justo’s murderis considered a crime of war, which doesn’t have a stature of limitations.

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