Local December 21, 2013 | 12:17 am

New virus in the Caribbean concerns health authorities

Santo Domingo.– The Public Health Ministry maintains surveillance to the existence of a dozen cases of chikungunya fever in the Caribbean. According to press reports, the ministry ordered to increase measures at border crossings, ports and airports to prevent the entry of the virus.

Health authorities said that the virus, whose transmitters agents are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, can cause fever, joint pains, a rash, headaches and muscle and joint pain that can be debilitating and persist for several weeks in severe cases.

They also said there is no cure for the disease and treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms.

The World Health Organization confirmed from 6 to 12 December the first non-imported cases of the fever on the French side of the Caribbean island of St. Martin, in the Lesser Antilles.

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