Local January 2, 2014 | 7:51 am

Dominican Republic leader upbeat on 2014

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Wednesday wished theDominican people good tidings and a happy new year, and became the firstsitting president to atended the Protestant churches’ religious service to markthe day.

“Receive my most sincere congratulations, on behalf of the Governmentand of my family. We embrace this 2014 with optimism and we are ready to workhard for our dreams, the dreams of our homeland.

He also reiterated a continuous fight for health, education, farmproduction, security and the creation of jobs. “We start this 2014 reaffirmingour commitment to continue our efforts to improve the quality of life of allDominicans.”

On Twitter, Medina said “faith moves mountains” and attended the 50thanniversary of the National Evangelical Gathering held each January 1.

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