Local January 9, 2014 | 8:02 am

Major drug case shines spotlight on interim judges

Major drug case shines spotlight on Dominican Republic’sinterim judges

Santo Domingo.- National District Prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso on Wednesdayannounced an appeal of the ruling to release of Carlos Manuel Gonzalez Cuevasand Daniel Moreta Díaz, charged with trafficking 103 kilos of cocaine, arrestedlast month on Sarasota Av., in the upscale sector Bella Vista.

She said permanent attention Court interim JudgeMargarita Cristo ruled to release the two, while the third suspect DanteReynoso Valdez, was sent to one month of pre-trial detention.

Various sectors have criticized the ruling, whichagain places the spotlight on interim judges. According to TV producer HuchiLora, “the sitting judge gets paid to get sick, so an interim judge can releasethe traffickers.”

Reynoso said it’s alarming how easily easier drugtraffickers go free on bail despite the seriousness of the charges. "There’sa need to be consistent in the proceedings to prevent actions such as releasingdrug traffickers arrested in exclusive areas and send to prison young drug dealersarrested in the barrios."

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