Local January 13, 2014 | 8:06 am

After attack on Italians, Police to swoop down on Boca Chica

Santo Domingo.- On president Danilo Medina’s instructions, the National Police will boost patrols in the resort town of Boca Chica today Monday, after an Italian couple was stabbed during a holdup inside the hotel where they were staying last Wednesday.

Police chief Manuel Castro said the measure aims to reduce violent incidents and crime, and also comes after Boca Chica merchants, residents and tourists complained of soaring thefts and assaults in the area.

Last Wednesday the Italians Nicola Mario Feloquiario, 63, and his wife, Francesca Bumi, 60, were treated and released after being stabbed.

Castro promised Boca Chica businesses, residents and tourists, “to intervene and guarantee tranquility, and produce a quiet Boca Chica for the entire 2014."

He said the police will coordinate the work with Boca Chica neighborhood boards and merchants, listen to their complaints and “bring tranquillity to that population.”

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