Local January 14, 2014 | 9:16 am

Supreme Court to rule on beleaguered senator within 30 days

Santo Domingo.- The Supreme Court 2nd Penal Chamber will hand down its ruling on an appeal lodged against a lower court’s decision against the prosecution of senator Félix Bautista.

The justices Miriam Germán, Frank Soto and Hiroito Reyes heard the lawyers for the legislator and for the plaintiffs, the Citizen Anti-corruption Movement (C-3) and the prosecution, and decided to hand down the ruling within 30 days.

Felix’s lead lawyer Juan A. Delgado had asked the Court to uphold the ruling by investigating judge Esther Agelán, which favoured their client, on charges of giving money to Haiti president Michel Martelly.

For their part, prosecutor Ramona Nova and Josefina Juan de Pichardo, lead attorney for C-3 asked the court overturn Agelán’s ruling.

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