Local January 27, 2014 | 4:19 pm

Environment: City councils had better comply with trash handling policy

Santo Domingo.- Environment minister Bautista Rojas on Monday called on city councils to comply with their responsibilities and the protect the environment, through proper waste management.

He said it’s essential for all sectors to create awareness that without a healthy environment it’s impossible to move forward towards the country’s sustainable development.

"It must be understood that the environmental issue is key to all that we do. Next February 4 we will launch the public policy on solid waste final management and hope that citizens and the municipalities and citizens in general assume it," he said.

Rojas, speaking at a meeting with officials of Japan’s International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to deal with the implementation of a solid waste management policy, said Japan supports the system which will establish the roles at the Central, provincial, municipal levels of government and other organizations and agencies.

He said Environment works in different initiatives to convert solid waste management into a public policy that contributes to generate wealth for the country.

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