Local January 28, 2014 | 11:25 am

Medina pays homage to Cuba’s liberator

Havana.- President Danilo Medina is taking part in the opening of the Community of Central American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which coincides with the celebration of the 161st anniversary of Cuban liberator José Martí’s birth.

Upon his arrival at the expositions center –Pabexpo-, site of the gathering, the Dominican leader was received by Cuba president Raul Castro and his Foreign Relations minister Bruno Rodríguez.

Prior to the inaugural, Medina, the continent’s highest rated leader spoke for several minutes with his Latin Americans and Caribbean colleagues,

The Dominican president is slated to attend a private luncheon with the 33 other leaders starting 1:30pm, before the CELAC’s full session at 3pm.

Medina plans to visit Revolution Plaza Tuesday night where Raúl Castro will receive him along with the other heads of State for a photo op, a dinner and a show.

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