Local February 4, 2014 | 4:41 pm

Halt tax measures or we walk: Merchants warn the president

Santo Domingo.- Merchants Federation president Iván Garcia on Tuesday reiterated the call for a nationwide walkout Wednesday and Thursday, to reject the requirement to immediately install tax receipt printers and a higher sales tax (Itbis).

He noted however that they’ll cancel the strike if president Danilo Medina states his interest for a dialogue.

He said around 100,000 department and hardware stores, auto parts, pharmacies, gs stations, among other businesses are ready to shut their doors tomorrow and Thursday.

He said merchants cannot afford to install the printers immediately, calling it a significant burden on their businesses. He also affirmed that most merchants don’t know how to operate the printers.

Garcia, accompanied by around 12 retail sector leaders, said they seek to protect consumers, because in their view that families can’t afford the higher tax on consumer products.

The merchants have already conducted shutdowns in San Francisco (northeast), Barahona (west) and Navarette (northwest) to protest agaisnt the printers and higher taxes.

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