Venezuela’s right wing, the U.S. plot Maduro’s overthrow, Ambassador
Santo Domingo.- Venezuela’s right wing backed by Washington again hatches a plot to overthrow the government headed by Nicolas Maduro, said Caracas’ ambassador Alberto Castellar on Monday, calling the growing protests in his country “an antidemocratic uprising.”
“We remind the world that we voted to elect Maduro as the president just three months ago, the diplomat said.
“The protesters headed by Leopoldo Lopez only want to overthrow the government and called for the assassination of Maduro. The quest ion is what would the United States do if someone threatened to kill Barack Obama?,” Castellar said.
“There’s still the right to protest peacefully, but the American empire expelled three Venezuelan diplomats because Washington placed conditions on us, but Venezuela won’t accept extortion from any government, especially the U.S.” he said, interviewed on CDN Channel 37.
Castellar said in response was the expulsions, “we Venezuelans prefer to work in peace, in democracy, to guarantee economic, social and political rights of the people. But the U.S. government wants our oil, until Hugo Chavez arrived, Washington thought Venezuela’s’ natural resources were there’s. We will continue the fight started by Chavez.”
He said the Bolivarian Revolution will maintain its cooperation with oil for the entire region, “and we will continue to promote regional integration CELAC much further than the Petrocaribe accord,” adding that Maduro vowed to continue that cooperation.
“We will fight Washington’s Strategic Plan for Venezuela, and we are confident we will win in the end.”