Local February 26, 2014 | 7:11 am

Dominican Republic’s police chief accused of corruption

Santo Domingo.- Six civil society organizations on Tuesday filed a criminal complaint against National Police chief Manuel Castro and several senior officers, just one day after the confusing arrest of an agent found with nearly half-a-million dollars in a luxury SUV.

Castro was charged in the Justice Ministry’s Anti-corruption Dept. (Pepca) with criminal conspiracy, corruption, nepotism and several articles of the Criminal Code by the National Human Rights Council (CONADEHU), Rogelio Cruz Foundation, the Dominican Radio Hosts Guild, (CDL), the National Council of Young Journalists (CONJCO), the National Ex military Association and the Dominican Federation of Workers, among other NGOs.

The 10-page document lists the police chief’s alleged crimes together with those of colonel Castro Castillo (Chino), HR director Mejía Sánchez Trejo, Baez Santilier, and Criminal Division director (DICRIM) general Decena Rojas.

"He (Castro) also designated his mother Mirilla Castro President of the Officers Wives Association, something considered unusual, because when the National Police Chief is single, who occupies the post is the wife of the Deputy Chief," the complaint says.

"We understand that all this is stipulated and penalized by our Dominican Penal Code, as contained in article 166 on malfeasance."

Strange sergeant

Police sergeant Eduardo Andrés Massanet Martínez was arrested with US$449,440, presumably from money laundering, but released on alleged lack of evidence.

Castro said Massanet was fired from the Police, but doubts linger since the suspect didn’t figure as performing any function in law enforcement.

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