Local February 26, 2014 | 8:36 am

Official says Government seeks humanitarian solution in nationality row

Santo Domingo.- The high level commission President Danilo Medina appointed to resolve thorny aspects of the Constitutional Court ruling on Dominican nationality places the final touches of the naturalization bill for foreigners, mostly undocumented Haitians.

The commissioners met in the National Palace Tuesday night to find formulas to resolve the ruling humanitarian aspects.

At the meeting, presidency legal adviser Cesar Pina said the commission works on formulas expected to satisfy the various sectors of society. “It’s possible that this bill will be submitted to Congress this 27 of February.”

He noted that in the second round of talks with Haiti, government officials announced that Medina would submit the legislation to Congress during the State of the Nation address before the National Assembly.

The official said after the announcement, Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe said he hoped Congress would receive such legislation on that date.

In the second round of talks held in Jimani, Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo had also announced the "National Plan to Regulate Foreigners” with an irregular migratory situation.

Pina added the government seeks a humanitarian formula, "as the President has proposed, so that no one is affected."

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