Local March 31, 2014 | 9:21 am

Dominicans will pay for ‘chaotic’ immigration policy: Top official

Santo Domingo.- Immigration director José Ricardo Taveras regretted Sunday that Dominican Republic will have to pay some price for over a century of a “chaotic” immigration policy.

He said it’s now up to the current authorities to amend our ancestors’ mistakes.

He said one way to deal with the situation is to integrate victims of that chaos into Dominican society.

"But I repeat, the Dominican State will have to pay some price for the mistakes of our ancestors, we’ve had a chaotic immigration policy for more than 100 years, and it’s a moral duty to integrate those who are in the civil registry," Taveras said of the situation prompted by the sugar industry boom at the end of the 19th century.

Interviewed on D´Agenda on Telesistema Channel 11, the official said with the legal framework already in place and other pending initiatives, the Government there is ready to resolve the human drama within the prerogatives of a sovereign State such.

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