Drought cuts Greater Santo Domingo’s water supply 20%

Santo Domingo.- Santo Domingo water utility (CAASD) director Alejandro Montás on Wednesday called the aqueducts’ piped water production "alarming, disturbing and extreme" as result of the drought, and announced 20% lower supply to more than 40 sectors of Greater Santo Domingo.
The official, who visited the Haina-Manoguayabo, Duey and Isa-Mana aqueducts, said he found low levels of water.
He said the rains early Wednesday increased the supply from 320 to 342 million gallons per day, but is still 58 million fewer gallons per day. "The intake at Duey and the behavior of the others force us to take extreme measures during this week and next, to rationalize drinking water and increase the number of tanker trucks to help the population."