Local April 17, 2014 | 11:28 am

Dominicans start yearly exodus for Easter

Santo Domingo.– The Emergency Operations Center (COE) will begin Operation Easter 2014 at 2:00pm Thursday, April 17, with the participation of 32,182 mostly volunteers, who’ll be scattered throughout the highways, beaches and lakes, to prevent accidents and provide safety for the people who head to the interior.

According to the National Palace, the COE installed 2,512 first aid stations with 140 ambulances, 3 helicopters, 48 motorcycle ambulances and six mobile hospitals and a communications network of first responders.

Civil Defense director Luis Luna Paulino urged those going on vacation this Easter Week to take extra care, and added that nearly 5,000 volunteers would be working from Thursday at noon to Sunday evening at 1,500 assistance stations set up where the biggest crowds are expected.

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