Local May 7, 2014 | 8:26 am

Dominican Social Security: Headed to oblivion

Santo Domingo.- Under the current market formula Dominican Republic’s Social Security System (SDSS) is headed to oblivion, since it’s under a financially untenable stage of cyclical crises that can explode at any time.

Faced with that reality in-depth reform need to be implemented to -in a comprehensive manner- deal with Social Security’s problems in terms of coverage, punctuality and quality services, as well as mechanisms for payment that ensure its financial sustainability.

In this regard, National Health Insurance (Senasa) planning and evaluation manager Bernardo Matías suggests abandoning the current social security model and establish a public and universal one, which isn’t segmented, and instead one in which everyone contributes through taxes.

Matias, author of the book "The Original Sin of the Dominican Security Social in the Health System," says implementing that model entail the disappearance of the private sector ‘sparticipation in social security.

Quoted by elcaribe.com.do, the expert notes that Social Security is conducted under the business logic, in which human life relegated by the economic, political or personal interests of the system’s players.

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