Local May 8, 2014 | 11:54 am

Unions boost Dominican lawmaker’s bid for U.S. Congress

New York.- Octogenarian Harlem lawmaker Charles Rangel, who seeks to retain the District 13 seat in the House of Representatives he’s held for 43 years, faces ever-dwindling electoral chances.

The New York chapters of two of the U.S.’ most powerful unions, the stores employees (RWDSU) and the painters (CD/NY), with 10,000 rank-and-file in each, this time threw their support behind the Dominican Adriano Espaillat, a New York State Senator, who squares off against Rangel in the June 24 primary.

The painters grouped in CD Local 9 are around 10,000-strong, say they’ll hit the streets to join Espaillat, after decades of supporting Rangel.

"We’re very pleased to announce our support of Adriano Espaillat for the United States Congress, since he has a history of bringing job opportunities to the 13th District, and we know that he will continue to do so in the House of Representatives," said RWDSU president Joseph Ramaglia.

"It’s time for our community to have a leader who can build a long-term plan for employment growth, Adriano Espaillat is that leader. Today we’re proud to support his candidacy and we’re willing to continue working with him in Congress," the union leader said.

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