Local May 13, 2014 | 8:52 am

For 58% of Dominicans, the economy’s on right path; 41%, not

Santo Domingo.- For 58% of Dominicans the economy is on the right path, whereas 41 percent consider it going in the wrong direction, according to poll by Penn, Shoen & Berland disclosed Tuesday.

Pollster Bernardo Vega, who provided the figures on Despertador, Channel 9, said their survey conducted 12 months ago found the same figures: 41% of those surveyed said the economy was headed in the wrong direction, compared with 58% who felt otherwise, but with a narrower margin of error.

“The people are more optimist now than 12 months ago,” said Vega, who represents Penn, Shoen & Berland.

He said crime leads citizens’ concerns with 37%, but didn’t provide further details.

More information as available.

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