Local May 20, 2014 | 1:00 pm

Police agent caught with US$500,000 gets bail

Santo Domingo.- A National District judge on Monday released former police agent Eduardo Andrés Massanet Martínez on RD$500,000 bail, after his arrest on charges of illegal possession of US$500,000 hidden in a SUV at the Villa Consuelo sector.

Fourth Instruction Court judge Ramon Attila Barbosa ordered Massanet to appear before twice a month and also imposed a travel ban.

Bail was granted after his lawyers requested a review of the pre-trial detention ordered by the Appellate Court’s Criminal Chamber.

Massanet recently met with prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso and National Drugs Control Agency president Julio César Souffrount on a possible plea bargaining, in exchange for his surrendering the US$500,000 seized and the SUV.

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