Local May 21, 2014 | 10:13 am

National Police reinforce traffic cops after Tuesday havoc

Santo Domingo- National Police patrols were posted at the approaches to the overpasses and tunnels from early Wed. as well as on the capital’s busiest avenues, to reinforce traffic police (Amet) and prevent drivers’ unions from again blocking the 27 de Febrero Av. as occurred Tuesday.

Chaos reigned yesterday when groups of passenger vehicle drivers blocked the ramps to the tunnels and overpasses and threatened to do so again today.

The agents were posted at the accesses to the tunnels of 27 de Febrero and Las Americas Av., and the Duarte and Bosch bridges as well.

And although Amet agents detain the drivers of passenger vehicles which use the tunnels and overpasses, they are soon released.

The heightened patrols come in the heels of the capital’s morning commute being turned into complete chaos during four hours Tuesday, as drivers protest the ban on their using the overpasses and tunnels.

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