Local May 27, 2014 | 1:01 pm

Debris of Ariane rocket found near Dominican Republic beach(Update)

Santo Domingo.- Local media report that the piece of an aicraft found on a beach in the east region is in fact part of a booster rocket of the French space program, Arianespace Services & Solutions.

FILE.-The head of Dominican Republic’s Aviation Accident Investigation Committee (CIAA) on Tuesday revealed that the air traffic control centers at Miami and Puerto Rico have yet to receive any report of a plane crash related to the fuselage of an aircraft found at a beach in eastern Altagracia province.

The part found however, cleary shows the Ariane Aerorspace group logo.

CIAA director Enmanuel Souffront said neither the centers in U.S. territory nor those in the country have reports of a crash involving a plane with European Union markings.

He said the CIAA has contacted domestic air traffic control centers as well as airport flight operations and have no report of departure or arrival of an aircraft with EU markings.

He said agency technicians analyze the piece found to look for any number or code which can reveal the plane’s identification and origin. “It’s a job that would take technicians some time working with parts that show that it belongs to a downed plane."

The official noted that the plane could’ve gone down in another area and dragged to the Dominican beach by sea currents.

The Dominican Navy found the fuselage covered by sand at Playa Blanca, Boca de Yuma on Sunday, with the European Union symbol stamped on its side.

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