Local June 2, 2014 | 9:06 am

Seal the border, nationalist deputy warns

Santo Domingo.- Nationalist deputy Vinicio Castillo Seman on Sunday asked the Government to seal the border with Haiti to control immigration ,since in his view Dominican Republic can’t handle more migrants from that nation.

"The Editorial of Haiti’s main newspaper, Le Nouvelliste, proposing a State policy that encourages the mass emigration of up to 200,000 Haitian citizens per year confirms a strategy by Haiti’s political and economic elite ,forcing the Dominican Republic to take strict migratory control measures at our border with Haiti," the lawmaker said.

"A mass migration promoted by Haiti’s Government to our country at the start of the Plan to Regularize and Document Haitians in our territory and while repatriations will be suspended for 18 months, is a national security issue for grave concern,” said the deputy of the pro-government party, FNP.

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