Local June 4, 2014 | 9:21 am

Years of real estate fraud prompts purge of officials

Santo Domingo.- The heads of the National Cadastral Surveys and of the Land Court Central Dept. were fired Tuesday, after years of complaints and indictments over alleged title fraud in Dominican Republic’s Real Estate Jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court said the measure forms part of several changes ordered in that agency by the Judicial Council, and include 100 new officials who’ll work exclusively in the recently enacted State Land Titling Plan.

The new officials will work for the agencies including Cadastral Surveys, Registrar of Titles, Land courts and the administration of the Real Estate Jurisdiction.

The surveyor Silvestre Melanio Santana Aquino replaces Luis Antonio Bonetti in Cadastral Surveys, whereas

Sócrates Antonio Montero replaces Miguel Santana in the Central Dept.

Supreme Court chief justice Mariano German said the measures were taken as part of actions in the nationwide plan to expedite processes at the Real Estate Jurisdiction.

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