Local June 9, 2014 | 9:14 am

Only in Dominican Republic: Betting parlors announce strike

Santo Domingo.- The country’s betting parlors grouped in Fenabanca on Sunday announced something that could only happen in the Dominican Republic: A shutdown of their “businesses.”

It said it will be a peaceful strike nationwide and its members will gather in front of the Finance the Ministry to reject its latest round of the government’s restrictive measures to trim rampant gambling.

In a statement, Fenabanca said the walkout aims to demand respect from the country and the government, equality with the private lotteries and show that betting parlors abide by the law.

"More than 10,000 people will stand and fight for a cause that affects both the parlors and around 350,000 families that benefit from this sector, which generates millions in revenue for the Dominican economy," the parlors said.

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