Local June 10, 2014 | 10:02 am

Deputy keeps promise; writes bill to build wall at Haiti border

Santo Domingo.- Recently designated deputy Vinicio Castillo Seman on Monday kept his promise made last week and submitted a draft resolution to the Chamber of Deputies, to build a wall along the Haiti border and bolster the control of migrants in the area.

The resolution would "declare high national priority to control immigration at the border with Haiti, the construction of a wall with border crossings for entry and exit, and the road that links the North-South border region.”

The lawmaker of the pro-government and conservative party (FNP) warned that the alien naturalization and regulation law will become a boomerang for the country, if the plan is carried out without defining a strict border control strategy. "The State cannot invent nationality; Haiti must cooperate with the regularization plan by documenting their nationals, to advance the process in compliance with that same law."

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