Local June 11, 2014 | 9:04 am

Dominican Republic deputies Mother’s Day scandal won’t go away

Santo Domingo.- Justice Ministry Anti-corruption Dept. director Laura Guerrero will on Thursday question San Juan de la Maguana deputy David Herrera, who accused his colleagues of selling the gifts they received from the Chamber of Deputies instead of donating them on Mothers’ Day.

The opposition party (PRD) legislator will have to clarify his statements despite denying having voiced it, and which was recorded on the radio program Revista Nocturna of San Juan de la Maguana.

The prosecutor’s notification states that the authorities seek to determine if an investigation is required.

Díaz said 30 of his colleagues sold the 320 gifts instead of handing them out to mothers in their provinces.

He said the deputies sold the entire package of mostly home appliances for US$4,000 dollars each, to another lawmaker who owns a department store in La Vega.

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