Local June 27, 2014 | 9:11 am

Murdered heroes’ sons push to prosecute top general

Santo Domingo.- The sons of national heroes Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez Justo, together with the Federation of Patriotic Foundations, filed a challenge to former Armed Forces secretary Ramiro Matos’ request to drop the charges of murder and torture of members of the June 14 Movement, led by their parents.

Minerva J. (Minou) and Manuel E. Tavarez Mirabal, and the foundations filed the charges against Matos December 20, 2014, to mark the 50th anniversary of the murder of Tavarez Justo and his freedom fighters at Las Manaclas, Santiago province in 1963.

They said the request should be rejected as unfounded and lacking legal basis, since Matos’ rights are not being violated as he alleges..

Matos is also suspected of taking part in the assassination of 1965 Revolution hero Francisco A. Caamaño, who had been captured in the Central Mountains in 1973.

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