Local July 8, 2014 | 2:08 pm

Lawmakers agree with new U.S.-Dominican extradition treaty

Santo Domingo.- Two deputies from Dominican Republic’s two biggest political parties(PLD, PRD) on Tuesday said they agree with proposal to establish a new on extradition treaty with the United States, but that it would have to wait for the of Constitutional Court (TC) ruling.

Deputies Judicial Committee chair Demostenes Martínez said the Constitutional Court decides whether international treaties comply with the Constitution.

He said that judicial power would decide if a new treaty is constitutional before being submitted to Congress, and stressed that the procedure would give the deputies confidence in the knowledge of what they sign .

Martinez aid the treaty between Washington and Santo Domingo should be reciprocal, “but my concern is that we don’t see the same reciprocity from the United States."

Opposition PRD party deputy Nelson Arroyo also agrees with updating the treaty, but questioned whether it would include limitations to bring Americans to the country in a case of extradition. "We’ve never seen the United States sending anyone to be tried in Dominican Republic."

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