Local July 14, 2014 | 5:09 pm

Embattled official dares court action as bank scandal widens

Santo Domingo.- Minority pro-government party PRSC) president Federico Antún (Quiqui) on Monday again challenged anyone who claims he has embezzled the State—owned National Housing Bank (BNV) to charge him in court.

The political leader said the people who’ve accused him of malfeasance have the right to seek Justice.

Antún’s challenge come less than a week after the also PRSC senior leader Humberto Salazar accused him of pocketing RD$12.0 million from the BNV’s pension fund, despite heading the bank for less than two years.

In the widening scandal, Antun is also accused of authorizing a RD$ 96.0 million loan from the BNV to his brother Eduardo (Tete) Antún.

The PRSC president said he’s transparent , unlike other politicians who’ve become rich. "I can justify everything I have. "I want to say it clearly, those who accuse me are people who have no moral to do so."

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