Local August 14, 2014 | 8:19 am

Dominican judiciary ‘revictimizes’ former Miss Ohio

Santo Domingo.- The attorney of former Miss Ohio Sandra Kurdas on Wednesday denounced that Dominican Republic’s judicial system has "revictimized his client.”

Plinio Pina said National District 5th Instruction Court judge Arisleidy Méndez Batista requested new forensic evidence and warned that failure to produce them, she would exclude those from the Forensics Institute (Inacif), which in his view violates the Constitution.

"That has been recognized worldwide that it’s part of a revictimization process against the person who denounces being subjected to domestic violence," he said.

He noted that the Supreme Court adopted a protocol to avoid re-victimization in April, “and everything there that says it shouldn’t happen, has happened in the process with Sandra Kurdas."

Pina said however that with the judge’s warning, they agreed to undergo revaluation, but must comply with the criminal procedural code and a pane composed of at least three experts. .

He reiterated that the evidence processed by Forensics are the basis for the domestic violence indictment against her estranged husband, TV mogul Frank Jorge Elias.

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