Ex prosecutor in second compromising video
Santo Domingo.-Attorney General Francisco Domínguez Brito said yesterday that a second video featuringformer San José de Ocoa prosecutor José Manuel Cuevas Paulino was beinginvestigated and that the authorities were working to identify the police agents seen shooting at aman and a woman who died instantly.
“Oncethey are identified they will be prosecuted, because actions like this cannotbe permitted, this type of situation cannot be tolerated, it must be rejectedbecause this is a rule of law,” stated the official.
Theformer prosecutor is accused of abusing his authority following the release ofa video where he appears planting a firearm under the mattress during a raid onthe home of a confessed drug dealer in search of illegal substances. In thesecond video, he is alleged to be present during the incident.
DominguezBrito described both cases as serious and shameful, saying that the judicialsystem must examine these incidents.
Theformer provincial prosecutor resigned after the Attorney General Office requestedhis arrest.
Aninterim prosecutor, Francis Valdez Gómez, was sworn in onThursday.