Local September 4, 2014 | 7:11 am

National Park veto roils Dominican Republic(Update)

Santo Domingo.- While several priests, civil society institutions, leftists, and neighborhood boards voiced rebuke of president Danilo Medina’s veto of the legislation to create Loma Miranda National Park as “treasonous,” to please local and foreign economic sectors, some of those groups hailed the decision.

Radical priest Rogelio Cruz and grassroots groups of Santo Domingo barrios vowed to wage a "public rebellion," calling for three days of mourning and the start of mobilizations.

Another radical priest, Ramon (Nino) Ramos called on all denominations, associations, barrio groups and unions who support the struggle, to await the call in the coming days, if the Senators “don’t do what they should.”

“Medina’s decision has done nothing more than place the ball in the senators’ court,” and called on the lawmakers to override the veto, “if they truly represent the nation’s best interests.”

Meanwhile the opposition DRP party called Medina’s decision “an unforgivable betrayal of the people’s will as expressed in its determination to preserve the ecological and natural wealth for present and future generations.”

It urged Congress to maintain their “valiant and patriotic position" by reiterating their approval.

Big business supports veto

In separate statements, the North Region Industrial Association (AIREN), and the National Business Council (CONEP), among others, stated support for the veto.

Possible protests

On Wed. the Defense Ministry and National Police announced joint strategies to deal with the expected protests nationwide.

Mining Agency

In yet another development on Thursday, Mining Agency director Alexander Medina affirmed that Glencore Falcondo can “legally” start exploitation at Loma Miranda, but when pressed by journalist Huchi Lora to explain the alleged legality, the official admitted that the miner couldn’t “morally” do so. “Falcondo can start exploitation tomorrow legally, but not morally.”

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