Local September 5, 2014 | 12:57 pm

‘Country’s biggest drug trafficker’ justifies wealth; brothers ‘out to kill him’

Santo Domingo.- Former fugitive Winston Rizik Rodríguez, whom authorities call "the country’s biggest drug trafficker," on Friday justified his wealth claiming prosperous businesses, livestock, cockfight arenas and betting parlors he says has already sold.

Rizik was escorted under heavy guard from National Drugs Control Agency (DNCD) headquarters to the Justice Ministry’s Anti-money laundering Unit in handcuffs, wearing a military helmet, and a bullet-proof vest.

The alleged drug trafficker arrived 11am at the office of Unit director German Miranda, who immediately started an interrogation in the presence of his lawyers Pedro Duarte and Freddy Castillo.

Rizik said he’s always had money, has never been poor and can justify his assets, and blamed for his arrest the brothers Pascual and Julio Cabrera, residents of La Romana. He said the Cabreras staged the "show" against him.

He said he has nothing pending with justice and that the Supreme Court rejected the U.S.’ request to extradite him.

In that regard, Duarte said Pascual Cabrera is out to kill his client and have tried to do so around 11 times, “because of professional envy and because Pascual is also a prosperous cock fighter.”

DNCD spokesman Miguel Medina said agents seized two assault rifles and cocaine during a raid of one of Rizik’s farms, and surrendered after calling a radio program to say he feared for his life.

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