Local September 15, 2014 | 5:11 pm

Dump collaborators, senators ask ex-president(Update)

Santo Domingo.- “There is a perverse ring that has tainted Leonel (Fernandez), Leonel is having trouble recomposing his bid because of the starlit trail left by those ominous collaborators,” said senator Wilton Guerrero on tuesday.

FILE. Two ruling PLD party senators on Monday suggested that former president Leonel Fernández “shed collaborators” who in their view harm their party leader’s image and chances to return to office.

Azua senator Rafael Calderon affirmed that the former chief executive as the political experience and “wisdom” to realize which of his close collaborators harm his image. “I think Fernandez has enough political wisdom to realize who are his collaborators that do him harm.”

The senator from Peravia Province also asked fernandez to “distance” himself from those who could jeopardize his bid to return to the National Palace.

Wilton Guerrero said Fernandez should realize some close collaborators do him more harm than good.

Although they didn’t mention them by name, Fernandez collaborators Victor Diaz Rua, former Public Works minister, and current senator from San Juan, Felix Bautista, both face money laundering and embezzlement charges.

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