Local October 6, 2014 | 5:00 pm

Dominican Republic, U.S. to amend 1909 extradition treaty

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican ministries of Justice, of Foreign Affairs, and the Presidency’s Legal Advisor, and the U.S. Embassy will discuss Tuesday the amendments to the extradition treaty signed between Santo Domingo and Washington in 1909.

Justice minister Francisco Domínguez called it an achievement for the Dominican authorities in the policy to fight crime at the international level.

He said the talks will start 10am at the Foreign Ministry, aimed at forging a Treaty which becomes a new instrument to replace the previous, with broader capacity of action for Dominican and U.S. authorities.

Domínguez said the agreement’s amendments seek to respond to the many new crimes and types of criminals, citing high tech, terrorism, and contract killing, with a language that leads to more effective fight against crime, respecting due process.

He said the talks with the U.S. Embassy to modify the extradition treaty began more than three months ago, “so we have faith and hope that could have the extradition treaty ready as soon as possible.”

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