Local October 7, 2014 | 10:27 am

Dozens celebrate UN Refugees rep’s departure

Santo Domingo.- To the beat of merengue dozens of members of the Children of Duarte Association celebrated the departure of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) representative Gonzalo Vargas Llosa Monday night, chanting "Go in peace, my friend go in peace."

The group at La Lira Park in the capital’s downtown celebrated the departure of Varga, who concluded his stay as UNHCR representative, drawing wide rebuke for his criticism of the Dominican Republic in world arenas during nearly five years.

The Children of Duarte had staged similar protests during two consecutive weekends outside the UNHCR offices, to demand his ouster from Dominican soil.

"We’re bidding him farewell with bells and whistles, although the UNHCR still needs to leave, because there are no refugees in the country and those people want to bring statelessness here, when they know that there’re people in that condition in this country,” said group spokeswoman Beatriz Féliz.

The National District City Council also declared Vargas “persona non grata,” while the Chamber of Deputies was drafting a similar resolution.

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