Local October 14, 2014 | 11:47 am

Graft case in ‘The Dark Side of Sun Land’ gets darker

Santo Domingo.- Economist Jaime Aristy on Tuesday denied that the agreement signed with ruling PLD party senator Felix Bautista to halt the litigation over the Sun Land graft case recants from statements in his book ‘The Dark Side of Sun Land’.

In a statement, Aristy said his book doesn’t seek to slander anyone, noting that Bautista “straightened out some inaccuracies.”

He said the agreement with Bautista provides that Sun Land Corp. will not sue the State in the case. "That requirement included at my request was because in the process of discovering I realized that Sun Land was preparing to sue the Dominican State for more than 235 million dollars for having terminated the contract being in November 2007."

Among his book’s inaccuracies Aristy cites the private account used to receive "illegal" deposits in Dominican Republic, property of the Consorcio Hemisferio Oriental, which transferred US$112 million and during judicial international clarified it was US$67 million.

"The rest of the Dominican people’s money was used by Sun Land on its own whim between January and August 2007. What the company did with the money is still unknown today. "


Aristy says new documents reveal "the magnitude of the violations against the State" by Sun Land, are much higher than those published in his book and that it’s up to the authorities to use the information.

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