Local October 31, 2014 | 7:33 am

Dominican Republic’s 1st alleged terrorist would’ve been paid US$23.0K: El Dia

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s first alleged terrorist Franck Kelin Holguín would’ve been paid over one million pesos (US$23,000) to carry out Monday’s attack in a packed subway car, outlet eldia.com.do reports quoting a source.

“Despite this information the authorities have yet to determine who might be behind the terrorist attack,” El Dia reported on Friday.

Holguin, who on Thursday was remanded to one year of pretrial detention, hadn’t received the money agreed with those who allegedly ordered the arson attack that caused serious burns to two people, and which would’ve led to his surrendering on Wednesday.

Holguin’s lawyer Raul H. Mena said they’ll appeal the ruling of pretrial detention handed down by judge Alejandro Vargas.

He noted that the authorities coerced his client to confess to the crime that has rocked society.

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