Local November 7, 2014 | 7:27 am

Dominican Republic huddles diplomats after stunning rulings

Santo Domingo.- The Foreign Affairs Ministry on Thursday launched a campaign to explain to the country’s diplomatic missions the Constitutional Court ruling that invalidates Dominican Republic’s membership in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).

Foreign minister Andres Navarro warned that the ruling declaring the country’s entry into the IACHR unconstitutional, could be "manipulated" by sectors that would say that the State opposes the defense of human rights.

"We can not expect others to be in solidarity with us if we haven’t provided proper explanations," Navarro said, quoted by eldia.com.do.

He said he will meet with a group of ambassadors next week and then do so with EU diplomats, whose countries have provided funds to bolster the defense of human rights.

Diplomats RD

The Constitutional Court ruling against the way the country acknowledges the IACHR’s decisions leaves Santo Domingo with two routes: stay out of the regional body or acknowledge by complying with due process and ratifying it in Congress.

Navarro said once the State’s position is established, Dominican diplomats will also be instructed to proceed in the chosen direction.

"Our ambassadors are going to be given orientation, both in documents and digital, so they can out the State’s position,"

Inter-American Court warning

In Washington meanwhile, EFE reports that the IACHR warned Dominican Republic that its Constitutional Court ruling, "doesn’t find any basis in international law," for which the country cannot refuse to abide by the rulings of the Inter-American Court.

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