Local December 5, 2014 | 9:27 am

Dominican dailies ratchet vigilance over freedom of speech

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Newspapers Society (SDD) on Thursday announced the creation of the Freedom of the Press Commission to monitor and confront threats and violations of freedom of speech and the media in the Dominican Republic.

In its annual meeting the SDD designated the editors-in-chief Rafael Molina Morillo, El Dia; Miguel Franjul, Listin Diario; Bienvenido Alvarez, Hoy, and Emmanuel Castillo, La Information, of Santiago, as members of its Freedom of the Press Commission, which will submit a report of its observations every six months.

The entity, which also includes the dailies El Nuevo Diario, El Nacional, and Diario Libre, also created a special fund to finance activities for projects to train journalists.

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