Local December 18, 2014 | 12:18 pm

Agents nab hackers bilked telecoms out of RD$10.0M monthly

Santo Domingo.- Justice Ministry prosecutors on Thursday headed simultaneous raids and apprehended three members of an alleged ring which scammed several telecoms out of more than RD$10.0 million monthly

High Tech Crimes Special prosecutor John Henry Reynoso said seized in the raids conducted in the National District and in Santo Domingo, Santiago, San Francisco and San Pedro provinces were satellite dishes, various antennas and " bypass routers" used to access international telecom traffic.

Also seized were PCs, UPS, laptops, signal repeater antennas, hard drives, USB memories and several "simcards" or chips of the various telephone companies, among other items.

Reynoso added that the ring accessed telephone services at no cost affecting Dominican telecoms Claro, Orange (Altice) and Viva.

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